Monday, May 26, 2014

Professional Skin Care vs. Counterfeit Cosmetics - honest words, harsh reality

Friends, I want you to have the healthiest, most beautiful skin you possibly can have.  This means professional treatments and professional skin-care products.

I have spent YEARS getting educated and thousands of dollars on my treatments and retail products in order to provide both of these things to you. 

I recommend effective treatment protocols and home-care products because that's what you pay me for.  I DO NOT send you to CVS or Target to buy skin care, because I don't believe that will serve you best. 

I will no longer discuss over-the-counter, drugstore brands with you.  I don't believe they are the best choice for your skin.  I will find an affordable regimen for you based on professional products.   Further, I will not provide you with a list of professional skin care products so you can shop around the internet.  Read the following article for some of the reasons why:

Counterfeit Skin Care Products

A straigh-forward article about the risks you take when you purchase skin care from third-party websites, written by Abigail Hatcher, LE.

I'm sharing the truth because I truly care about you and your skin!  I'm honored that you've chosen me to manage your professional skin care!


For a consultation and an appointment call 310.487.3663 or email

Dry Skin Tips

I've had many conversations these last few weeks with clients complaining of dry, itchy skin.  It's a very common problem in the winter as the outdoor temperature falls and the air drys, combined with the indoor dry, heated air.  Feels like you can't win!!

But, you can, with some clever adaptations of your existing skin-care routines.

Examine your skin-care products and routine.  You may need to choose a milder, non-foaming facial cleanser, and reduce your exfoliating from 2-3 times a week to once a week.  Please use tepid to mildly warm water - no hot water washing for face, body or hair.  Yes, I know, nothing feels better than a steamy shower after a day of chilly temps, but that hot water will draw out precious moisture from your skin.

After cleansing your face, leave your skin just a little moist and then apply a hydrating serum (such as Dermaquest Advanced B5 Serum) followed immediately with a rich moisturizer, such as Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance.  Those with extremely dry, chapped skin will benefit from Dermalogica's Super Rich Repair, a balm-like moisturizer.

Wait a few moments, then apply a full-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more.

Keep it brief!  Quick showers and baths will hydrate your skin but spend too much time under that spray and you're washing moisture down the drain.  Be sure to use an SLS-FREE and PARABEN-FREE body wash such as WHISH Body Wash.  I'm loving it and you can find it for sale in my studio.

Seize the moment!  Once your skin is clean (not stripped) and hydrated, get some moisture on there asap.  Hydrating body wash is a start, but this simple routine will take it to the next level.

While still in the shower, apply a rich body lotion while your skin is still wet.  WHISH body butter is amazing, and for scaly, flaky skin you can try PCA Body Therapy.

Massage in for about 30 seconds, then blot gently with a towel.

Now, apply a body oil such as sesame oil, raw virgin coconut oil or even a little light olive oil, and massage into the skin.  I also like spray oils.  Solstice Scents makes one that I use frequently, and there are many amazingly blended scents to choose.  Another option is shea butter and/or cocoa butter, which are available online and at places line Whole Foods. is a company in Canada that carries a wonderful whipped shea butter!!  The shipping is pretty steep to the States, but I think it's worth it!!

You will need to wait a few minutes before dressing to allow the oil to penetrate.  If you've been a little too generous and you're afraid it will stain your clothes, buff lightly with your towel.

You might also find that including more healthy fats in your diet might make your skin more comfortable.  You could try almonds, avocados, olive oil and coconut oil.  Salmon is a wonderfully healthy fatty fish for those that eat fish.

You can improve your dry skin!!  Please call me for more tips and professional treatments.  310.487.3663 or email

#goddesslynnebodyandskin  #whish #thepeacefulbrazilianbikiniwax

Memorial Day, 2014

Friends, I wish you a blessed and meaningful Memorial Day.

If you served our Country, I thank you for your service, and acknowledge your family's sacrifice.  If your spouse, parent, grandparent or child served,  I thank you for your contribution, and pray that they were returned safely.

It's easy these days to make this a political statement, but what I remember is that those who serve do so with a heart full of love and commitment for this great country!

So, before the BBQ's and parties, the beach and cocktails, the fireworks and celebrations...let's take a few quiet moments to remember that we live in the greatest country on earth, and be grateful for all the opportunities available to us.

And please, wear sunscreen!!


#goddesslynnebodyandskin #memorialday #thepeacefulbrazilianbikiniwax