Sunday, February 24, 2013

What happens during a facial?

Recently I answered some questions about Facials, and I thought I would share with you readers some basic information and tips for getting the best facial!

What happens during a facial?

Facials can vary widely, but the basics are cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, soothing/treating and hydration/protection.  I can do a facial in as little as 30 minutes, but I prefer to take 50-60.  I start with covering the eyes and examining the skin with a magnification lamp.  I'm looking for signs of acne, dehydration, oiliness, hyperpigmentation, congestion (clogged pores) and anything else.  This is also when I'm asking my client about what she/he is noticing about their skin, and what products they are using at home.  I've already had them fill out a form that includes listing their allergies.
It’s very helpful if you let me know what products have worked for you in the past, and which products caused irritation, were ineffective, or that you didn’t enjoy.  I will be recommending products for you to use at home, so this information will be important.

I cleanse the skin 2x, sometimes using the same product, sometimes 2 different products.  Sometimes I use hot towels from my towel cabi, sometimes sponges to remove cleanser.

Next I usually apply an exfoliant such as a resurfacing treatment or an enzyme product, and I put the steam on the face for 10 minutes.  This is where I do a neck/shoulder massage (yay!).  After removing this product I follow with...
Extractions!!  Fun for me!!  The steam has prepared your skin and softened any debris in the follicles.  Removing blackheads and congestion is the part of the facial that is really hard to do yourself.  This is what you're really paying for, and this procedure can cause some purging, which might account for the breakouts some people have after a facial.  As the excess sebum comes out of the follicle, it can also "stir up" inflammation, which can cause a blemish.  I use a product after extractions that contains witch hazel, and it helps prevent this.  Sometimes if a blemish is "ready" to go, I will also squeeze it, but many times they are best left alone.  They can be treated with high frequency, which is the glass wand "bug zapper" instrument.  HF helps heal blemishes by creating antibacterial ozone and heat in the skin.  Don’t worry, while extractions aren’t exactly pleasant, they are NOT unbearably painful!   You’ll be fine!!

For those of you not requiring extractions, there may be other treatments used, including facial massage.

After extractions I usually apply a mask or a calming treatment.  I have a number of them to use, so I pick one to address the most concerning issues.  This is the only time I leave you alone in the room, while I remove used towels, tidy up a bit, so when you get up it's not a mess.  Also, this is the time I'll gather any home-care products I've recommended for you to purchase.

After the mask is removed I apply various hydration and treatment products and finish with sunscreen.  You're ready to buy a bunch of stuff from me and leave a big tip!!  LOL!!  :)

How much do facials cost?  

Pricing can vary so widely, my basic facial around $90.  With deals like Groupon you usually get what you pay for, so beware the $29 facial!  Major cities will many times have higher price, as will spas with many amenities (steam room, showers, fluffy robe and slippers).

How do you know if your facial is safe?  Cleanliness is what you're looking for.  If things don't look clean they probably aren't.  Everything in my peaceful and pretty studio is pristine.  The sheets and towels on the treatment bed must be fresh, and everything should smell clean.  Trust your gut.  Other things I would be watchful for:  if the esthetician leaves the room while the steam and/or exfoliant is on your skin you are not dealing with the best esthetician for you.  They should be there in case something goes wrong with the equipment (which could scald you) or your skin over-reacts to the exfoliant and they need to remove it immediately.

Just a note about the products I recommend and sell:  Yes, I do make a commission on products I sell.  But, that’s not the reason I’m recommending products for you to purchase.  I’m committed to improving your skin!  Let’s say we do a facial once a month.  That’s just 1 day!  Your home-care products are what you use for the other 30 days!  It’s important that you use products that address your specific skin-improvement goals.  Certain treatments, especially deeper exfoliating and anti-aging treatments, require very specific after care to achieve the best possible outcome.  Most drugstore and department store products are perfectly safe, but in order to be safe and acceptable to the masses, they rarely contain the percentages of active ingredients that can improve your skin significantly.  Would you rather use a product where most of the purchase price goes to a fancy advertising campaign, or one where the cost of the product is a result of extensive research and high percentages of costly and effective active ingredients?  That being said, I am not one to judge.  We all have a budget we must stick to.  I hope you will prioritize your skin care accordingly.  I will help you pick the best products to fit your needs AND your budget!  Please let me work with you on this!!

Speaking of your skin-care budget, please remember that PROFESSIONAL skin care products are sold by a professional, licensed esthetician.  NOT a website.  Product diversion is a huge and growing problem in the skin-care industry, and it means that the products you buy from third party websites are not fresh, may have been stored improperly, and may be altered, diluted or counterfeit.  Please visit my Facebook page to read an in-depth report about the risks and problems of product diversion.  PLEASE support my business - a small, women-owned business, by purchasing fresh, authentic, professional products from me.  :)

Other notes:  I do many different types of facials.  Not all include extractions, so if you're going to a big event or having photos, I can smooth and refresh your skin without any irritation.

Again about extractions:  it's normal to have some redness and inflammation after extractions.  This should resolve in about 24 hours, so plan your social life accordingly.

Facials will improve your skin best if done regularly.  I usually recommend every 4-6 weeks.  This allows me to get through the bulk of the congestion in the first 2 treatments, and then we can really get down to working on other issues you may have, and general maintenance.  Occasionally I will recommend every-other-week facials when treating more persistent acne.  But, even if facials are a once or twice a year treat, they can still help improve your skin.

I invite those of you in the Los Angeles area to contact me for an appointment!  It would be my honor and pleasure to treat all of your skin care needs!  Please feel free to contact me at 310.487.3663 or for an appointment.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Gluten-Free Skin

Good Morning!!

I have read a number of articles about how dietary choices can improve skin health, and here is one that I particularly like:

an excerpt:

In sensitive individuals, gluten acts in two ways. First, it alters the integrity of the gut, creating cracks in the gut lining that allow toxins to recirculate back into the system. Second, because gluten-sensitive people cannot properly digest gluten, these large molecules enter the bloodstream, and the immune system recognizes them as invaders, activating an immune response that increases inflammation, which in turn can result in acne. This kind of immune response also triggers the release of insulin, which results in raised hormone levels, another cause of acne.


I'm not a nutritionist, dietitian or doctor.  However, I often suggest researching the possibility of eliminating grains and sugar to my clients with acne.  This suggestion is often met with some version of "oh, I could NEVER give up_________" (fill in the blank).

I lovingly suggest that if your skin problems are not responding to topical treatment that you at least RESEARCH and TRY a dietary approach for 4-6 weeks.

This, along with professional treatment, can often make the difference you've been looking for!

If you have any questions, or to schedule an appointment with me, please email me at